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The White Mountain Practical Shooters is a USPSA/IPSC club. We were founded in 1998 with the objective of Being Safe and having FUN!

If you enjoy your firearms, and want to protect your rights to own and use firearms, contact your legislators and let them know your feelings.


Practical shooting is a sport enjoyed all over the world. It involves the use of firearms in simulated situations where you might be forced to defend yourself. Handguns are our primary focus, with two matches a month (weather permitting) on the 2nd Sunday and 4th Saturday of each month. A PSCL 2-Gun match is held on the 2nd Saturday of every month. We hold a ICORE Revolver Match on the 3rd Saturday and a SCSA Steel Challenge Match on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Check the Schedule & Results page for specific dates.

The "stages" that are set up for handguns include targets that are placed anywhere from point blank distance to 30 yards away. They may be paper targets, steel plates, or knock down steel targets called "Pepper Poppers" after their inventor, John Pepper. After the course of fire is described to everyone, you get to try your hand at the course. We rarely repeat a course of fire, so the challenges are always different. Your score is divided by your time, measuring both speed and accuracy. The person with the best score in the shortest time is the winner, although we place no emphasis on winning.

We want you to: A) be safe, B) have fun, and C) learn something.

(For a more detailed description of practical shooting, visit the USPSA web site, www.USPSA.org )

What do I need to bring?

  • Eye protection (to be worn at all times).
  • Ear Protection
  • A Centerfire handgun - .38 Spl, 9mm or larger
  • A holster, belt, and a way to carry at least 2 magazines or speed loaders
  • 125 rounds of ammunition

What are the Fees?

  • Members of WMPS: $15.00.
  • Non-members:       $20.00.
  • Second Gun:            $6.00.

Are there divisions for different types of guns? Absolutely!

  • Open – Optic sights, compensators, long barrels, any safe modification.
  • Limited – Race guns without optic sights or compensators and magazines 140 mm in length or less.
  • Limited Optics – Singe action, double action or striker fired handguns with a slide mounted Optic and a Magazine well.
  • Limited 10 – Factory stock guns with 10 rounds or less in the magazine.
  • Production – Double action/Safe Action, Glocks, Springfield XD’s, etc.
  • Single Stack – 1911 style guns with single stack magazines.
  • Revolver - Revolvers.
  • Carry Optics - A Production gun with an Optic sight, loaded to magazine capacity.
  • PCC - Pistol Caliber Carbine, usually an AR-15 style carbine chambered in 9 mm. But anything in this style works (Sig MPX, CZ Scorpion EVO 3, etc..) Optic sights allowed.

For USPSA definitions of acceptable competitor equipment for a respective division look at Chapter 5 and the appendices beginning on page 98 of the USPSA Rule book.

(For our ICORE Revolver Matches the divisions are listed on the ICORE website, www.ICORE.org )

(For our Steel Challenge Matches the divisions are listed on the Steel Challenge website, www.scsa.org )

(And all of our PSCL 2-Gun Matches will require a Centerfire Rifle and Handgun. www.pcsleague.us )

(Bring what you already have, if it's safe and it shoots we'll help get you in the right class.)

When do we shoot?

Check the Schedule & Results page for specific times and dates.

Where do we shoot?

At the Second Knoll Range on Highway 60 just outside of Show Low.

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