Board Meeting Minutes
- 2025-01-11 Board Meeting
- Call to Order. A quorum of Board members being present (3 of 3), the meeting of the White Mountain Practical Shooters (WMPS) Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order by the Board President James Button at 3:00 PM; Board Members Robert Johnson and Richard Lindsey were present as well as WMPS members Charles DeSalme and Sharon DeSalme were also present.
- Treasurer's Reports. James Button reviewed the Treasurer's Report. As of 2024/12/31 the club checking account had a balance of $1,487.97.
- Membership Report. As of 2024/12/31 WMPS had 41 active members.
- Business.
- Proposal to purchase a Holy Monkey target of approximately $725 was discussed and was unanimously passed.
- Motion to gift a lifetime club membership to James Button for all his contributions to WMPS was discussed and unanimously passed.
- Proposal to purchase additional 2"x2"x8' boards for shooting area layout was discussed and Robert Johnson will get pricing for them and orange paint to coat one side.
- Proposal was made to build tables for the shooters to put their bags with firearms on that would have them all pointing to the berms and not all over the ground. James and Robert will put together a design and cost of 4 tables.
- Discussion of getting safe zones for the bays was discussed and the need to get White Mountain Shooters Association, WMSA, to stress the importance of getting these in place. The original proposal for them was made by Robert Johnson in January 2023 and they have still not been implemented. Charles DeSalme and Robert Johnson will bring this up again at the monthly WMSA meeting.
- Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm
- 2024-03-23 Board Meeting
- Call to Order A quorum of Board members being present (3 of 3), the meeting of the White Mountain Practical Shooters (WMPS) Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order by the Board President James Button at 1:15 PM; Board Members Robert Johnson and Richard Lindsey were present as well as WMPS members Charles DeSalme and Sharon DeSalme were also present.
- Treasurer's Reports. James Button reviewed the Treasurer's Report. As of 2024/03/31 the club checking account had a balance of $1,648.33.
- Membership Report -As of 2024-03-23 WMPS had 27 active members.
- Business.
- Proposal to purchase a bobber target of approximately $350 was discussed and was unanimously passed.
- Proposal to purchase 2-3 mini poppers was discussed and James will get pricing for these and email the board with costs.
- Proposal was made to have 1 classifier stage on the 4th Saturday of the month for January - April and November to December for people wanting to get a USPSA Classification. All agreed to this scenario.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm